Undertk Studio

We take ideas and turn them into business solutions legitimate.

Experts in understanding audiences with a high probability of making an action or purchase, and establishing effective communication through the creation of practical, direct and professional content.

Undertk Studio was born out of a simple, yet powerful desire: to help people truly understand how digital works. In a world where vanity metrics often take center stage, we wanted to shift the focus back to what really matters—genuine connection, collaboration, and results that speak for themselves.From the beginning, we envisioned an agency where clients weren’t just clients—they were partners.

We believed in shared responsibility, where success is a mutual achievement, and everyone understands why things work the way they do.
What is your idea?
Mexico City MEXICO
Napa, California USE
Hangover Gardens London

The team

Adrián Bravo
The Digital Mastermind
Adrian is the tech-savvy strategist behind our innovative digital strategies. With years of experience in the industry, he ensures that every plan we execute is cutting-edge and effective. His deep understanding of technology and digital landscapes makes him the driving force behind our success. Yes, he’s been around the block for ages, back when digital was just a word with little meaning. From Microsoft to Google, and Ogilvy to Wunderman, Adrian is truly the brains behind Undertk.
Renata Torrescano
The ADHD Superhuman
Ren is a co-founder of Undertk Studio and our resident whirlwind of creativity. As the Creative Director and Communication Strategist, she brings together her eclectic background in film, psychology, and philosophy to keep us all on our toes. Ren is also a writer, and let’s be honest—she’s a functional human with ADHD, which means she’s basically a superhero at multitasking. With her unstoppable energy, she makes sure every project is as dynamic, impactful, and brilliantly chaotic as possible.
Vero Valles
The Legal Communication Genius
Vero is the partner and co-founder of our sister agency, Legal Advanta, and honestly, we’re still not sure if she’s secretly a magician. An exceptional lawyer, manifestor, and creative strategist, she’s the mastermind behind Legal Advanta. Vero’s ability to blend legal smarts with strategic communication is nothing short of wizardry. Plus, she’s an all-around amazing human being.
Jesús Soto
The Visual Virtuoso
Geesus is an audiovisual expert and an amazing photographer whose experience and background make him an invaluable treasure at Undertk Studio. As a partner, his time with us may be limited, but when he’s around, everyone feels the impact of his presence. His life and projects have taken him to wonderful places, yet we can always count on him to guide us to create amazing content as our director. Simply put, we love him.
Manu Gómez
The Design Virtuoso
Manuel is a partner and former art director for the studio, and we’re privileged to work with such an outstanding talent. He’s the best of the best, possessing that elusive X factor in design that sets him apart. With an amazing eye, impeccable taste, and a fresh perspective, Manuel continues to influence our work, even as his endeavors take him to various projects in the industry. Currently, our collaboration is mostly in audiovisual productions, but he’s always around to offer insightful feedback—usually with a great cup of coffee in hand.
Andrea Casco
The Project Management Pro
Andrea, our newest addition, brings a wealth of creativity and project management expertise to the table. With strong roots in graphic design, she’s a brilliant problem-solver who ensures that every project runs smoothly and efficiently. 
Pato Peréz de Caso
The Visual Maestro
Pato, our dearest musician, is the head creative for all things video, sound, and visual. His artistic vision and musical talent bring a unique and powerful dimension to every project, making him the heart and soul of our visual and audio productions.
David Murillo
The UX Wizard with a Twist
David is our partner in crime for web design and one of the best UX designers you’ll ever work with. Quick, smart, and a creative genius, he excels in editorial design and branding. Since the founding of Undertk Studio, David’s contributions have been invaluable. Though he’s known for his sharp sarcasm and occasional annoyance, he’s also an incredibly kind and responsible human being—someone you can always count on to deliver excellence with a touch of wit.
Elo Perea
The Multidisciplinary Talent
Soon-to-be Creative Director, Elo is a powerhouse of creativity. From journalism to creative strategy, illustration, and design, she’s a versatile talent who has been with us for years. Elo’s diverse skill set and artistic vision make her an invaluable asset to our team and all-around wonderful human to work with. 

Ivan Carrillo
The All-Round Creative
Ivan is our very own everything. From video editing to editorial graphic design, branding processes to production photography, and even motion graphics—he’s involved in every aspect of what we do. His versatility and talent make him a cornerstone of our team.
Atzin Martínez
The Rising Star
The youngest member of our team, Atzin is a versatile programmer skilled in both front-end and back-end development. Her fresh energy and innovative approach add a new dimension to our projects, making her a rising star in the agency.
Oswaldo Castañeda
The Meticulous Programmer
Osvaldo is the meticulous programmer who ensures that our websites are both beautiful and functional. With speed and precision, he brings projects to life, making sure every digital detail is perfect. He’s been an essential part of our team, delivering top-notch results.
Alexa Vasquez
The Paid Media Prodigy
Alexa is our brilliant paid media analyst from Venezuela. With experience in Buenos Aires and now in the city, she ensures our campaigns are impactful and results-driven. Smart, fast, and multicultural, Alexa’s mission is to get the results we need, every time.
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undertk studio - Agencia de Marketing, contenido y desarrollo web


“Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.”

- Helen Keller


Practical solutions that generate real results

Branding and Strategy

  • Business and communication strategy
  • Audience analysis and definition
  • Social Media/Influence Marketing
  • User experience/Consumer Journey


  • Application Development
  • Integrations (ERP, CRM, 3rd Party)
  • Integrations (ERP, CRM, 3rd Party)
  • Advanced Experiences (3D, VR). AR, Unity)


  • Graphic design and illustration
  • Art Direction
  • Original Audiovisual Production
What is your idea?

How do we work?

We combine a passion for creativity, technology and experience to provide exceptional solutions.

Nowadays, it's vital to have data that supports decisions in successful marketing operations. At undertk studio, we create hypotheses based on accurate information and extensive experience with regionally and globally recognized brands.


An agency, anti-agency

We believe that the agency approach should be transformed into close collaboration with clients, sharing knowledge for joint business decisions. It's not enough to just focus on the brand; it's crucial to work together to achieve the best business decisions.
What is your idea?

Above all, we value what they think of us

What they think

our customers

Estado Natural - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“UnderTK has been a great ally, from the planning and execution of advertising campaigns to improvements to our website. They have always shown commitment to achieving business goals.”

now we understand the true value of doing it right”
Stephany Katz
Co-Founder & CMO - EstadoBrands
Beyond Basics - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“Thank you so much! The site looks great! And the IG acct - wow! The posts look so beautiful, sleek and cohesive. Many thanks to you and everyone else involved for all the hard work. Can't wait to see the PEDs campaign!”.
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.

Enjolie E.
Marketing Manager - Beyond Basics NYC
TOOL Ferreterías - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“We were looking to enter the digital market, and after a lot of efforts we hit the nail on the head with undertk studio.”

now we understand the true value of doing it right”

Angel Samano
CMO - TOOL/FerreTodo
CRUX - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

Thank you guys for involvement throughout this process. I think we really do need to pause and appreciate the significance of the launch of this new site. It's emblematic of how great the brand is and a worthy showcase of the remarkable work and healing that happens inside those walls.

So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.

Peter Fekula
Crux NYC
undertk studio - Agencia de Marketing, contenido y desarrollo web

“Undertk has been the engine that has driven our online success.”
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.

Fátima and Lourdes Samano
Co Founders
Virtual Homes - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“Undertk Studio is an extraordinary, talented, creative and professional team.
Without a doubt, an extraordinary agency focused on digital”.
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.

Nathan Carrillo
Co-founder and Director of Expansion - Virtual Homes
Passwork - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“They fully understood the vision we had for the business and the change we expected in a very short time; it's incredible to see how they transformed our ideas into tangible assets and campaigns.”
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.

Rony Moussa
COO Passwork LATAM
La Taquería Chiquita - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“Digitization is not an easy path. We weren't sure if we could reach our goals in the allotted time. But now that we've made it and even surpassed our goals, we're very proud to have embarked on this path.”
now we understand the true value of doing it right”

Carlos Estrada
Founder - La Taquería Chiquitita - Austria, Vienna
Think Tank Media - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“Working with undertk to create our site was an honor. They understood very well the DNA and objectives of our brand, and they knew how to translate them to clearly express our messages. We were very pleased with the result.”
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.

Fernanda Aguilar
Chief Operating Officer
Worqout - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web

“undertk redefines the concept of agency. Their team is integrated in such a way that, at times, we forget that they are not part of our own marketing department.”

now we understand the true value of doing it right”

Fernando Camacho
Founder & CEO - Worqout.io
undertk studio - Agencia de Marketing, contenido y desarrollo web
undertk studio - Agencia de Marketing, contenido y desarrollo web