Digital marketing trends in that will transform your business in 2024

August 31, 2024

The evolution of digital marketing in Mexico City

Digital marketing is constantly evolving, and Mexico City is no exception. Companies are adopting new trends that allow them to remain competitive in an increasingly dynamic market. Below, we explore the main digital marketing trends in Mexico City that will transform your business in 2024.

Personalized content marketing

El content marketing has been a key strategy for companies, but in 2024, personalization will be more important than ever. CDMX consumers expect to receive content that resonates with their specific interests and needs. Companies that manage to personalize their content will not only increase engagement, but they will also strengthen the relationship with their customers. By implementing advanced segmentation techniques, such as the analysis of behavioral and preference data, content can be adjusted to be relevant and attractive to each type of audience.

Interactive content: a key tool

Interactive content is becoming increasingly important. Tools such as surveys, questionnaires and interactive videos allow companies not only to deliver information, but also to engage users in a dynamic way. This type of content not only increases the time spent on websites, but it also increases the conversion rate by offering a more personalized experience.

AI-based content

Artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way content is created and distributed. Through advanced algorithms, it is possible to automatically generate relevant content for specific audiences. In addition, AI makes it possible to customize content in real time, adjusting to user preferences based on their online behavior.

Local Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

With increased competition, it's crucial that companies focus on Local SEO to improve your visibility in search engines. In 2024, optimization for local searches will be a key differentiator. By focusing on CDMX specific keywords and optimizing Google My Business listings, companies can increase their organic traffic and attract potential customers looking for services in their area. In addition, voice searches are on the rise, making it necessary to adapt content for more conversational queries.

Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are more specific and detailed phrases than traditional keywords. Although they have a lower search volume, they tend to generate more qualified traffic and are more likely to convert. Companies that focus on this type of optimization will have a significant competitive advantage in 2024.

Mobile SEO: a priority

The use of mobile devices to access the internet continues to grow. Therefore, it is essential that SEO strategies are optimized for mobile devices. Google already prioritizes websites that offer a good mobile experience, which means that companies that don't adapt their content for this format could see a decrease in their visibility.

Social Networks: Beyond Engagement

Las social networks continue to be a powerful tool for companies, but in 2024, the approach will go beyond simple engagement. Platforms such as Instagram and TikTok are evolving towards visual search engines, meaning that brands must optimize their content to be easily found and shared. In addition, social commerce will continue to grow, allowing users to buy directly from social platforms. This turns social media into a direct sales channel, and not just a marketing platform.

The rise of social commerce

Social commerce is one of the most important trends in 2024. Platforms are increasingly integrating tools that allow users to make purchases without leaving the application. This offers a smoother and more direct shopping experience, which can significantly increase conversion rates.

The importance of authenticity

In today's environment, consumers value authenticity more than ever. Brands that are transparent and authentic in their communication are more likely to build loyalty and trust in their audiences. Genuine stories and user-created content are critical to creating an emotional connection with customers.

Marketing automation

Marketing automation is revolutionizing the way companies manage their campaigns. In Mexico City, the adoption of automation tools will allow companies to optimize their marketing processes, from segmenting audiences to sending personalized email marketing campaigns. Not only does this save time, but it also improves efficiency and results.

Automated email marketing

Email marketing remains one of the most effective ways to communicate with customers. However, the key in 2024 is automation. Automation tools allow you to segment contact lists and send personalized emails based on user behavior, improving open and conversion rates.

Automation in social networks

Social media automation allows companies to schedule posts and measure their performance more efficiently. In addition, automation tools can analyze the behavioral patterns of followers to optimize publication times and types of content.

Data-based marketing

El Data-based marketing this is not a new trend, but in 2024, its importance will intensify. Companies in Mexico City must learn to effectively collect and analyze data to make informed decisions and further personalize their marketing strategies. The ability to interpret data in real time will be crucial to staying ahead of the curve. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence to process large volumes of data will allow companies to optimize their campaigns more precisely.

Predictive analytics

Predictive analytics is a powerful tool that allows companies to anticipate the needs of their customers. By analyzing historical data and behavioral patterns, companies can predict which products or services will be most in demand, allowing them to adjust their strategies accordingly.

Advanced audience segmentation

Advanced audience segmentation allows companies to direct their messages to groups of customers with very specific characteristics. Not only does this increase the relevance of the content, but it also improves conversion rates by offering a more personalized message adapted to the needs of each group.


The year 2024 will bring new opportunities and challenges in the field of digital marketing in Mexico City. Companies that adopt these trends will not only be able to stay relevant, but they will also be able to boost their growth and strengthen their position in the market. The key will be to keep up to date and be agile in implementing these innovative strategies. In Undertake Studio, we're ready to help you implement these trends and optimize your digital marketing strategy.

And interesting things
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What they think
our customers
Estado Natural - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web
“UnderTK has been a great ally, from the planning and execution of advertising campaigns to improvements to our website. They have always shown commitment to achieving business goals.”

now we understand the true value of doing it right”
Stephany Katz
Co-Founder & CMO - EstadoBrands
CRUX - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web
Thank you guys for involvement throughout this process. I think we really do need to pause and appreciate the significance of the launch of this new site. It's emblematic of how great the brand is and a worthy showcase of the remarkable work and healing that happens inside those walls.

So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.
Peter Fekula
Crux NYC
Virtual Homes - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web
“Undertk Studio is an extraordinary, talented, creative and professional team.
Without a doubt, an extraordinary agency focused on digital”.
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.
Nathan Carrillo
Co-founder and Director of Expansion - Virtual Homes
La Taquería Chiquita - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web
The Digitalisierung is kein einfacher Weg. Wir waren uns nicht sicher, ob wir undere Ziele in der vorgegeben Zeit erreichen können.
Aber jetzt wo wir es geschafft und our Ziele sogar übertroffen haben, sind wir sehr stolz diesen Weg eingeschlagen zu haben.
now we understand the true value of doing it right”
Carlos Estrada
Founder - La Taquería Chiquitita - Austria, Vienna
Beyond Basics - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web
“Thank you so much! The site looks great! And the IG acct - wow! The posts look so beautiful, sleek and cohesive. Many thanks to you and everyone else involved for all the hard work. Can't wait to see the PEDs campaign!”.
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.
Enjolie E.
Marketing Manager - Beyond Basics NYC
Think Tank Media - Undertk Studio - Agencia de Marketing, publicidad, contenido y desarrollo de sitios web
“Working with the Undertk team to create our site was an honor. They understood very well the DNA and objectives of our brand, and they knew how to translate them to clearly express our messages. We were very pleased with the result.”
So, congratulations on stepping forward with a bold, beautiful, confident, caring Brand that truly reflects a place of hope and healing.
Fernanda Aguilar
Chief Operating Officer
undertk studio - Agencia de Marketing, contenido y desarrollo web
undertk studio - Agencia de Marketing, contenido y desarrollo web